DIY Dog Bed Ideas & Plans

DIY dog bed ideas and plans come in all shapes and sizes, just like dogs. If you need an extra-large bed for your extra-large dog or a tiny bed for your small dog, you can find the how to make it ideas and how to make it plans right here. And all us DIYers need lots of easy DIY dog bed plans to keep those creative juices flowing.

Check out my Pinterest DIY Dog Bed Ideas page to find all the unique and exciting how to make a dog bed plans you want. 

Learn how to make:

  1. Dog bunk bed 
  2. DIY canopy bed
  3. Cave bed ideas
  4. DIY elevated or cooling beds
  5. Wooden beds
  6. Outdoor and indoor beds
  7. And even some making steps for a dog bed tutorials

What about materials? We've found DIY dog bed plans for:

  1. Pallets and wood
  2. Tires
  3. Tables
  4. Don't forget my favorite, PVC

There are also ideas on accessories for dog beds that include:

DIY dog bed covers or plans to help you learn how to make steps or ramps so your little dog or older dog can get up and down from the bed, furniture, or other floors in your home.

DIY dog bed ideas for an extra-large dog like PharaohI love my homemade dog bed Mom!

DIY Dog Bed Ideas & Plans

  I found over 30 free DIY dog bed ideas and plans free for the taking. The internet is an unbelievable source of tutorials to learn from, and you will love some of these classic and one-of-a-kind dog bed styles.  

When you choose the dog bed you like best, the one that fits the area you've decided to put it, and one that is perfect for the size of your dog, take your time and read through the materials you will need and the instructions that will teach you how to make your canine bed.

This simple step can make, or break, your DIY project. I like to rush and hurry, but that's not the smart way to approach a new project. Read each step and then prepare for it. 

If you rush and make the wrong size cut or take an inaccurate measurement, you may have to start again from scratch. It could also make your materials useless for this particular project.  Take a deep breath and go forward, slowly.

Check your list and materials, and then recheck it. It's a horrible feeling when you are working away on your project, in this case, your dog's bed, and you find you don't have all the materials or tools you need to complete the task. That means you have to stop in mid-production, go out, get the forgotten tool or accessory, and get motivated all over again! Be like Santa Claus and go through your material list twice.

Why Make A DIY Dog Bed?

  1.  You like to make stuff for your dog.
  2. You saw a bed you like, but it's way too expensive, and you have decided to save some money by making your own bed.
  3. You want a unique dog bed.
  4. You want an elevated dog bed.
  5. You like to repurpose materials you already have.
  6. You need a custom-sized bed for your very large or your tiny dog. 
  7. Your dog has physical limitations, and you need a particular height or width; or you need stair, steps, or ramp ideas.